Evacuation Stair Chair is an Integral Part of Emergency Evac Protocols

Whenever you enter a building, it is safe to assume that an evacuation plan of sorts exists. Whether it be a sporting event, a hospital, or a school, safety codes require that the building is equipped with a plan to evacuate individuals safely in the case of an emergency. For many, this is not a serious consideration; most individuals could easily descend down the fire escape or take the stairs instead of the elevator in an emergency situation. However, individuals with limited mobility are often unaccounted for in these situations. There are many reasons why an individual would be unable to evacuate using the stairs – whether they are elderly or pregnant or have an injury or a medical condition. In any case, it is crucial to account for each and every single individual when creating emergency evacuation plans, ensuring no one is left behind.
Although it is nearly impossible to be prepared for every imaginable emergency situation, it is possible to prepare for evacuating disabled individuals or individuals with limited mobility. With the MS3C-300TS Evacuation Stair Chair, commercial settings can have the proper tools in place to prepare for the evacuation of any immobile individual from any multilevel building.
An Evacuation Chair ensures the evacuation is safe for both passengers and operators. It is designed with smooth rubberized tracks and multiple grip options to aid care providers, allowing for smooth steering and a controlled descent during evacuation. These Chairs are equipped with a 4 point safety harness to secure passenger as well. As a lightweight and easy-to-fold device, this chair can be stored conveniently in compact and smalls spaces and can be easily carried if needed.
Laws change very frequently. Recently, both Maryland and California passed laws requiring certain commercial settings to update their evacuation plans and have a plan for evacuating individuals with mobility issues. In Maryland, the state passed a law stating that every school system must have a detailed plan on how to evacuate individuals with limited mobility as of July 2018. Similarly, in California, every Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE’s) must have an evacuation chair at every stairwell as of July 2019.
As more and more laws continue to change, it is essential that all commercial settings are prepared for any sort of emergency. Whether it be a hurricane, fire, tornado, power outage, or lockdown, the liabilities associated with unpreparedness are tremendous. This legislation emphasizes just how crucial evacuation chairs have become. For under $1,000, every commercial setting can have a safe plan of action and proactively prepare for any unforeseen or dangerous situation. With devices such as the MS3C-300MC Evacuation Stair Chair or the more lightweight option, the MS3C-100TS Lightweight Stair Evacuation Stair Chair, both students, residents of assisted living facilities, or any individual with limited mobility will be safer, and caretakers will be more prepared in emergency evacuations.
There have been numerous instances of disabled individuals being left behind in cases of emergencies merely due to a lack of preparedness. Lives are at stake; being prepared with an evacuation plan and evacuation devices is a simple solution to ensure no disabled individuals are left behind. Although emergency evacuations are uncommon, it is important to prepare for the worst because when a fire or power outage suddenly arises, there will be no way to account for individuals with mobility issues on the spot. The evacuation Chair will enable a safe, prepared response.